If you are buying or selling your home and looking for a good realtor, you don’t want to trust your business to just anyone. But do you know what makes a good realtor? What should you be looking for before you commit to working with someone? Aside from simply following the realtor code, there are many other traits that you will want them to possess.

Here are some of the things to look for when determining what makes a good realtor:

Problem Solvers. A good realtor should enjoy being a problem solver. When issues invariably come up, they should be ready and able to tackle them with creative solutions.

Self-Motivated. Being motivated and responsible for their work is a sign of a good realtor. An entrepreneurial spirit and strong personal drive help them to succeed in a competitive field.

Integrity. In order to enjoy long-term success, a good realtor will have a sense of integrity and a commitment to honesty. High ethical standards are required to be a member in good standing with the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA).

Strong Work Ethic. Your realtor should know how to hustle and show tenacity. Being able to follow every lead and do whatever is needed to get the job done is a good sign. Don’t be fooled though; working hard is good but working hard while working smart is better.

Genuine Interest in the Business. A good realtor shows genuine interest in what they do. Do they have a passion for architecture, design, or landscaping? Do they have a real interest in houses and dealing with their clients?

Attention to Detail. As mentioned above, it’s about more than just working hard. While hard work is certainly important, a good realtor will have an eye for detail, and a good awareness of their client’s particular needs. They should be well-organized in order to stay on top of all the countless details that they are following.

Knowledge of the Local Market. Your realtor should be aware of all the subtleties and nuances of the local market, allowing them to stand out from their competition and build their own niche.

A Solid Network of Connections. A good realtor should have a broad network of contacts in their market. Usually this list of contacts is made up of other real estate agents and brokers, buyers and sellers, home inspectors, mortgage loan officers, appraisers, and more.

A Commitment to Staying Up to Date. In order to effectively serve clients, a good realtor should be committed to maintaining and expanding their knowledge about the local market, and real estate in general. This will allow them to maintain a position at the head of the field.

There are many good real estate agents and excellent realtor looking for your business, but it is in your best interest to find one that demonstrates the skills and knowledge to make the most out of your time together. Buying or selling a home is not something that is undertaken lightly, so be sure that you are dealing with someone who meets your standards of what makes a good realtor.

Are you looking for a Langley realtor or Surrey realtor? Then get in touch with us today.