Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to sell some of your stuff!

Saturday, May 3, 2025 it’s the 22nd Annual MOE Real Estate Team West Cloverdale* Neighbourhood Garage Sale!

*All Cloverdale homes West of 176th Street are invited to participate!

Thinking of having a garage sale this Spring? Let us do the advertising and put up the signs for you! Each participating home simply sets up a garage sale in their driveway. The MOE Team will take care of all advertising and street signs. Advertisements will state that sales begin at 9 am. Expect early birds.

With multiple garage sales all taking place in one neighbourhood, customers are attracted to the opportunity to easily visit several sales. Here’s a tip: When neighbours “team up” and create several sales close together, they get stronger customer interest!

Maps showing the locations of each home participating will be made and distributed to customers. You must REGISTER BEFORE Monday, April 21st to be included on the map and receive the best exposure!

Sale maps will be mailed & emailed to each home participating prior to the sale day. Please encourage customers without a map to take one so that all sales have a chance to attract customers, not only the sales in higher traffic areas.